10 Major Retail Stores Take A Stand To Say “Merry Christmas” Instead Of Happy Holidays
Ten major retail establishments have recently decided to replace the generic greeting of “Happy Holidays” with the traditional and specific salutation of “Merry Christmas.”
This intentional and coordinated effort signals a clear commitment by these stores to actively celebrate the Christmas season.
The original article emphasizes that these retail giants are making a synchronized and purposeful move towards adopting the traditional greeting of “Merry Christmas.”
During the holiday season, these well-known retailers will include “Merry Christmas” greetings in their newsletters and messages.
As the original article made clear, this shift is not isolated to one store, but is evident at major retailers.
As highlighted in the source material, collective decisions have important consequences.
It highlights the common choice of these retail businesses to embrace and promote traditional Christmas greetings, reinforcing the importance of the holiday in their businesses.