Selfish Girl Changes Attitude When Mother Grows Tired of Her Hysterics and Devises a Lesson


The gifts I had prepared for her. Instead of the lavish doll castle, I had chosen a thoughtful selection of smaller gifts that I believed would bring her joy.

Kiara: “What is this? Where’s the doll castle?”

Me: “I thought you might enjoy these gifts. They’re special in their own way.”

Kiara’s disappointment was palpable. She opened the first gift, revealing a carefully chosen book series—a collection of adventure stories that I believed would capture her imagination.

Kiara: “Books? Seriously?”

Me: “I know you love to read, and these come highly recommended. Give them a chance.”

Undeterred, Kiara moved on to the next gift—a set of art supplies. I had noticed her interest in drawing and thought this could be a wonderful outlet for her creativity.

Kiara: “Art supplies? This is so lame.”

Me: “I thought you might enjoy expressing yourself through art. You never know; you might discover a new passion.”

The final gift was a personalized journal. I hoped it would encourage her to jot down her thoughts and dreams.

Kiara: “A journal? Why would I need this?”

Me: “Sometimes, writing can be a great way to express yourself. You can use it to document your journey, thoughts, and aspirations.”

Kiara huffed, clearly dissatisfied with her birthday surprises. As the day went on, I noticed her reluctance to engage with the gifts. However, over the following weeks, something unexpected happened.

One evening, as I passed by her room, I noticed Kiara engrossed in one of the books. The art supplies were scattered on her desk, and I could see sketches taking shape. It seemed she had started using the journal, too.

Intrigued, I decided to ask her about it.

Me: “How are you finding the gifts?”

Kiara looked up, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Kiara: “Well, the books are actually pretty cool. And the art supplies—I guess they’re not bad. Oh, and the journal—it’s kind of nice to write things down.”

It turned out that, despite her initial resistance, Kiara had discovered joy in the thoughtful gifts. Sometimes, it takes a different approach to help someone appreciate the value of simplicity. As a parent, I realized that fostering gratitude and contentment in my daughter was a journey worth undertaking, even if it meant navigating a few bumps along the way.


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